Power Up Your
Renewables Career
Gain critical knowledge, develop your skills, and support your continuing education goals with professional courses from industry experts you trust.
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Stay current with our convenient online training courses that dive into today’s most relevant renewable energy topics. Apply your knowledge to everyday situations, elevate your performance, and maximize success.
Expect engaging, professionally-developed courses that you can navigate at your convenience. Short learning blocks, saved progress, and quick quizzes with instant feedback guide you through each course.
Upon course completion, you will receive documentation including an official ‘RenewU Certificate of Completion’ and scored test results.
RenewU courses are designed and presented by Aderis Energy’s experienced and trained professionals. The curriculum is ideal for engineers, technicians, developers, operators or anyone looking to power up their renewable energy career!
Is RenewU right for you?
RenewU curriculum is designed for both newcomers seeking foundational information and seasoned renewable professionals who want to ensure they are current with the latest developments in the industry.
Short, customizable courses target the knowledge you want. Course series provide broader foundational information on the most critical topics.
Current and Upcoming Courses
Performance Engineering - Course 1
Solar & Storage System Anatomy:
Interconnection, Metering, & Protection
Price: $149.99
Approximately 1.5 Hours
Performance Engineering - Course 2
Solar & Storage System Anatomy:
Transformers, Inverters, & Energy Storage Systems
Price: $149.99
Approximately 1.5 Hours
Performance Engineering - Course 3
Solar & Storage System Anatomy:
Photovoltaic (PV) Solar & Weather Stations
Price: $99.99
Approximately 1 Hour
Performance Engineering | 3-Course Bundle
Get the comprehensive curriculum for all three Performance Engineering courses above… for less.
Price: $359.99
(Save $40.00)
Approximately 4 Hours
New Courses
Advanced Performance Engineering
Solar & Storage System Modeling
Price: $149.99
Approximately 1.5 Hours
Instrumentation & Controls
Importance of I&C in Renewable Energy Systems
Price: $149.99
Approximately 1.5 Hours